As a retired technical writer, who has bought and sold a lot of stock and dealt with a fair share of real estate, I’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t, as well as things to look for that you’ll never get from a broker. Although my degree is in Management Science and my experience is in communication and software, I find myself drawn to almost anything that helps get critical information from one person’s mind to another, including marketing, advertising, documentation, and associated technologies. I think it’s safe to say, “If you’re interested in reaching out to people, there has never been a better time to be alive.”
I am happily married with 2 kids, one boy and girl. I’m presently residing in Cebu, Philippines – the leading tourist destination city in our country. I am a graduate of BS Psychology in University of San Carlos. I love reading the encyclopedia and browsing the internet, especially sports and general information. My hobbies include playing basketball, biking, snorkeling, and reading books. And of course, being with my family is one of the things I truly enjoy.
My key interests include writing, researching, good conversation and discovering innovations in earth sciences, physics and astronomy. My news groups include science, business, foreign politics and environmental issues. My hobbies include remodeling, gardening and Chinese painting.
I graduated from college in the year 1998 with a major in Business Administration and a minor in Computer Programming. Recently, I’ve been taking steps to continue with my education in the Accounting field. I have been honored to have gathered work experiences in vast fields ranging from accounting to executive retail management as well as press writing. I’m always eager to continue exploring new avenues every day.
A very integral part of my learning and work experience is also wrapped up in my desire and commitment to serving my community. I have volunteered hundreds of hours to help build homes and places of worship for many in my community as well as reading many words of hope to inspire others to keep seeking for better times. I have also volunteered many hours to feeding, clothing, and studying the Bible with many of my neighbors.
Business news is my first love, particularly following financial markets, global economics, and national real estate trends. In my spare time, I enjoy watching documentaries, reading memoirs, following entertainment news, and doing Pilates. I’m also learning as much as I can about child nutrition and development as I try to keep up with my one-year-old boy/girl twins.
I am a family man with a passion for the stock market. I’ve been involved with trading since I was a teenager and the desire to trade daily and research companies has never weakened throughout my life. While I enjoy the research, I am a die-hard technical trader who combines the fundamentals of a company with charts that appear ready to make a move. I tend to stay towards micro to mid cap stocks and do some day trading along with swing trades. In my time away from the market, I tinker with building websites, enjoy sports and games (especially foosball), and spend a lot of time with my wife and kids.
My name is Bill and I just graduated from the Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Lansing, Michigan and took the NJ Bar Exam. I have been writing for numerous web sites and newspapers since I was in high school and am currently studying for another Bar Exam and working on a book.
My background has always been in precious metals and investing. I was a manufacturing jeweler for many years, and that’s where I learned the intricacies of the gold/silver/platinum markets. I retired from the jewelry business to be a full time trader, investor, and market observer. My main interest is helping people find the hidden gems in the investing world. I love to write, and I’m happiest in my writers chair.
By trade, I’m an electrical engineer. However, my true passion is in following the markets and investing in those companies that I perceive as diamonds in the rough. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my wife, playing “old man” sports including golf and softball, and traveling the world.
I have a deep passion for the Financial Markets and for writing about them. Currently I am pursuing a PHD in Economics, and enjoy researching and learning about Finance and Economics. My other Hobbies include Public Speaking, Debates, and Running Marathons.
I’m the editor-in-chief of a monthly Utah newspaper, a freelance writer and editor, a public relations consultant and also a member of the DreamTeamGroup team. Makes me sound pretty busy? Nah, it’s all in a day’s work. I make my living so I can live my life – life in a quiet country town with my wonderful husband and our three amazing dogs (who are more like people, if you ask them).
My interests include watching sports, going to concerts, and spending time with my dog. I also enjoy yoga, hiking and running, and will complete my third half marathon by the end of the year. In my free time, I love to travel to different international destinations and recently spent five months in Australia, where I snorkeled at the Great Barrier Reef, tried to surf in Sydney and enjoyed the beautiful beaches of Port Douglas.
As a retired technical writer, who has bought and sold a lot of stock and dealt with a fair share of real estate, I’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t, as well as things to look for that you’ll never get from a broker. Although my degree is in Management Science and my experience is in communication and software, I find myself drawn to almost anything that helps get critical information from one person’s mind to another, including marketing, advertising, documentation, and associated technologies. I think it’s safe to say, “If you’re interested in reaching out to people, there has never been a better time to be alive.”
I am a CPA with 20+ years of financial reporting experience for large financial service companies. In my spare time, I enjoy painting, reading, and watching my son play baseball.
I am the assistant to the owner of a Broker Dealer, while pursuing my Masters Degree in English Composition and Rhetoric. I believe organization is an integral aspect of success and am working to becoming professional organizer. I also leave time in my life for my three dogs, rock climbing, travel, live music, writing, money management for myself and others, fixing up my historic home and reading at least one book a month.
Shortly after I began trading stocks, I was amazed by how vast and complex the stock market truly was. For years it has been my passion to teach individuals about the financial markets as well as continue to gain personal trading experience while simultaneously pursuing a triple business major in finance, economics and real estate. My interest in the stock market has provided me with multiple career opportunities. Being a part of the DreamTeamGroup team is an honor and I fully enjoy having the opportunity to pursue my free-lance writing passion with this great team.
My love of the financial market started in eighth grade where we had a mock trading class. Today I still try to stay up to date on anything happening in the market. I also love to read business magazines; a few of my favorites include BlackEnterprise, Forbes, and Inc. One of my current enjoyments is the internet because it has given me the freedom to work remotely.
I’m a professional writer and editor who has written many articles published in large circulation sports, health and fitness magazines. I also run a health and fitness website. Investing is a serious avocation so I also like to study the markets and write about investing. I write fiction as well, which I plan to do more of in the future.
I have always loved to write & especially enjoy research. My passion is to educate myself in order to understand and form my own opinions. I’ve become a student of the financial markets & global economies. I am an optimistic person & always full of energy & life. I’m a “stay at home” mom of two precious boys that I adore as I do my husband. I love motorcycle riding (Honda 919), playing my flute, reading, & taking day trips.
My key interests include writing, researching, good conversation and discovering innovations in earth sciences, physics and astronomy. My news groups include science, business, foreign politics and environmental issues. My hobbies include remodeling, gardening and Chinese painting.
Hi, I’m John, and I have been active in the investment industry since I was a Jr. Broker at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter at the age of 18. Currently I am a tech analyst and an active trader focusing on Small Cap stocks. When my stocks go up I love to go deep sea fishing, and recently I’ve been fishing a lot.
I am a proud native of Rochester, New York, although I currently reside in Charlotte, NC. I am the Author/Editor of an investment newsletter and as such, I find the daily excitement of the OTC markets irresistible. I also own and operate a small media production company specializing in graphic and Flash design, as well as Audio Engineering. I enjoy golfing, cooking out, and just relaxing in general.
I am a student of the humanities with a specific focus on political philosophy, economics and world history. Since my youth I have been fascinated by market psychology and by business theory in general. I pride myself on an analytical methodology which focuses on the fundamentals. Because I try to get a handle on the pure logistics of a company and its business model, I am able to forecast results with high fidelity. I cannot explain my endless curiosity for the market as a system, but I consider small businesses and the OTC area to be the font of innovation.
I am a work at home mom of 2 children that are 11 & 12 years old. My interests include my family, The Red Sox, Cape League Base Ball, and Little League. I love to travel the US and have been to about 40 states. I really enjoy down time at our secluded cabin in the mountains with my three favorite people: my son, daughter and husband (and my border collie). Oh yeah, and I do waaaay too much fund-raising.
I’m an entrepreneur based out of Michigan and am studying Internet Marketing. I’m also experienced in copy writing and editing. I also love investing and creating a positive cash flow. When I’m not working, I enjoy traveling the United States; packing up the car and hitting the back roads to wherever! Spontaneity is an important part of life.
I’m a freelance writer and a graduate student in the Master of Fine Arts Professional Writing program at Western Connecticut State University. I currently freelance as a writer and photographer for a local weekly newspaper, as well as write fiction. In my spare time I like to read mysteries and some Stephen King on occasion.
I’m a lawyer who has always been interested in business and the stock market. I’ve started several small businesses including a property management firm, a real estate development firm, and a boxing gym. I enjoy researching new companies and following the financial markets. As a small business owner, I’m partial to the small and micro cap markets. When I’m not working or in the gym, I spend as much time as I can with my wife, our daughter and our son.
I am originally from Chattanooga, Tennessee. I am an Alumni of the University of Maryland with a background in finance and economics. I am an avid market watcher and trader, in addition to a lover of cutting edge electronics. I am very athletic and a fan of watching and participating in all sports.
I’m a graduate of Arizona State University. I’m currently writing a fictional novel about boxing and following one’s dream. I enjoy cooking, boxing, bikram yoga, mountain biking, and hiking. I recently traveled to Tanzania and spent three months teaching HIV/AIDS education to the villagers.
Howdy! I was born on June 7th and grew up all over the United States. My father was a US Marine for nearly 30 years, so we moved around quite a bit. I graduated summa cum laude from Texas A&M University with a degree in Cultural Anthropology (Communications-Journalism Minor). I’ve been writing pretty much my entire life; mostly short stories and the like, but also various articles for newsletters, newspapers, and other publications. I live in Coastal North Carolina with my beautiful daughter, Chloe. In my spare time I read, write stories, and play video games.
Hi, I’m Ross, and I am a University of Southern California Trojan through and through. I have a background in aerospace engineering and enjoy applying a similar analytical thought process to the market and company evaluation. I am particularly enthralled by the excitement and growth of companies in the small cap market. I am a sports enthusiast, but, as a big brother to a great athlete, especially enjoy coaching youth soccer.
I started my career as a harpist, and had the opportunity to study one summer in France with Pierre Jamet of the Paris Conservatory. Shortly thereafter, I moved into the business world. It turns out that musicians are excellent logicians, and I stepped quickly into the burgeoning IT field. I later pursued my MBA, and became familiar with cash flows, strategy, marketing, and how to tell when a company was doing well or not.
I am currently a senior at the University of Pittsburgh studying History and English Literature, with a focus on European studies. In my free time I like to read, swim, and spend time with friends and family. I am interested in journalism and non-fiction writing, and find the ever changing market a fascinating thing to watch.
I obtained my MBA from Clarion University of Pennsylvania. I recently moved to Pittsburgh, where I currently reside. I have a great deal of experience acting as a consultant for small to mid-sized businesses. More recently I have ventured into the health administration market, working with businesses to insulate themselves from risk, and helping them to meet the growing demands of their workforce. In my spare time I enjoy reading, playing soccer, the piano, video games, and spending time with my family and our dog, Kiba.
Business responsibilities in the Life Sciences sector have drawn me to stock investment as a special area of interest. Green businesses and the use of Management principles for small business applications are my focus areas. I live near the sea and never tire of taking long walks at dusk, but have dedicated the rest of the time to my enterprises in the fields of Clinical Biophysics and the Internet.
I was educated in Boston, MA and have been a fan of new technology for more than a decade. I have worked in a variety of internet business, including a prominent Silicon Valley venture capital, engaging in marketing and social networking as well as UI design and graphic design. I am now a freelancer working in Philadelphia, PA, where I write for tech blogs, finance blogs and other concerns.
I’m a broadcast journalism major working on my big break. I’m quite the news junkie and it thrills me to be able to learn something new every time I sit down to write. I love reading, writing, editing, good arguments, yoga, pilates, running, sometimes doing absolutely nothing, snowboarding and my family.
Educated as a molecular biologist, I ceased pursuit of a Ph.D. in order to devote my energies full-time toward trading the markets. As a child I would daily pour over stock quotes and make picks, so this evolution in my career completes a long and serrated circle. Originally from Charleston, SC, I currently live in Alexandria, VA with my wonderful wife of seven years.
I have been in the financial services industry for many years. My background includes research, sales and company analysis. I have spent the last several years working with online investment communities. My passion is finding, dissecting and communicating the investment merits of companies.
I grew up in the cool climates of Washington, Alaska and England where I received the proper English schoolboy education, complete with a crested pocket, maroon uniform. I was a government and features journalist and photographer for 12 years and then moved into advertising and newspaper graphic design. I’m now delving into social media “microblogging” and continue to develop my technical skills. I write short stories and aspire to be the next Ray Bradbury – but even better.
I currently day-trade in addition to writing for IBN, so I spend a lot of time involved in the markets. I used to be a full-time financial journalist for five years and even traded foreign currency for a while. In my free time, I golf, race motorcycles (I have a Ducati!), big-wave surf and volunteer.
I am 52 years old and live in a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA. I spent 20 years in the investment business, mostly with Charles Schwab. At Schwab, I worked both as a broker and a trading supervisor. The licenses held were: Series 63, Series 7, and Series 8. I enjoy reading and writing and am a huge hockey fan. I try to think outside the box when it comes to looking at investments.
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